
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Garden Update (Late)

WARNING: HEAVY PHOTO POST - if you're on limited bandwidth or mobile, you might want to come back from a computer.
I went out 2 days ago to do a garden update and all I managed to do was take pictures. Never got around to writing the actual post about what's going on in my neck of the neighborhood. Things are going well overall I guess, just wish I could find my mojo again. Seems ever since I had to move all my plants from the front I've just lost that loving feeling. I still go out everyday and I'm producing, just more slowly than I need to eat it. Everything in life is a lesson right? Gardening is most certainly a lesson in patience. Well, I have a lot that needs to get done inside while it's hot and then I have to get out once the shade hits the side of the house to start treating my plants with NEEM OIL as it seems I am in the beginnings of a powdery white mildew outbreak that needs to be stopped before it decimates my crops. I'm already suffering from something eating my green beans and sweet potato leaves. I'm hoping the potatoes will recover and put up new leaves and still have harvest in the fall. As for the green beans? I'll just keep feeding them and hope they recover and plant more!
So to save myself a thousand or so words, I'm just going to put up some pictures of my gardens as a progress.
First, the pretties...just because!
Tiger Lilly

July garden updateJuly garden updateJuly garden update

Rescued Geranium (50cents and looking soooo much better!)
July garden update

Misc flowers
broccoli gone to flower - seed savingMarigold corner (opposite side of my mailbox/steps)2014-07-06_19-26-08_248Hasta buddingGrape tomato flowers

2014-07-06_19-09-20_524 Begonias gone wile (this is what happens when they get a nitrogen fix lol)

New Life in an old worm bin!
July garden update

The Herbs
July garden updateJuly garden updateIs my garlic ready?

The Beds
July garden update2014-07-06_19-11-03_545 2014-07-06_18-52-27_4802014-07-06_18-52-11_32 2014-07-06_18-42-35_286

The Bugs!
2014-07-06_19-21-11_720July garden update July garden updatecolumbine - is this insect trails or some kind of disease?

The Food!
2014-07-06_18-32-48_764OMG!! RIPE grape tomatoes!! those are coming home with me!!I think these a Roma Tomatoes 2014-07-06_18-40-14_328grape and supersonic(?) tomatoesbutternut squash going strong!Baby Cubanelle Pepperswe have pickles!!anaheim chili peppers2014-07-06_18-27-11_133Brussels getting ready to sprout :)(brussel sprouts - setting buds)2014-07-06_18-31-50_850Lilac PeppersLilac Peppers cubanelle peppersbaby watermelon? hopefully the pollination took!!Grape tomatoes!!baby watermelon? hopefully the pollination took!!tobsaco peppersCherry hot peppersJuly garden update

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